Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Rehearsal 19/09/2011

Back to band after a week off.
Tried out some new stuff...

Carole King....sounded good on the first play through.

Dug out Barnum which we last tried about 5 years ago...
last time we couldn't play it, this time it sounded reasonable and we got through it...the standard has improved....despite the fact it's a rubbish print from a Holland publisher...bar numbers on parts don't tie up, 1st/2nd time bars missed off etc.etc.

Porgy and Bess much better this second time through.

Gilbert and Sullivan medley....getting there, but I couldn't stand rehearsing it for too long!!

Decided to ask George to take the band next week as i'm away the week after, and  I will be back late for the gig.George will take the gig.

Played hn at the end in Malaguena...couldn't see George's beat from where I was sitting, so a bit of a nightmare...still I enjoyed it.

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